The Easy Beachy Makeup Tutorial
I made a nice little bronzing video for The Telegraph this week; I was trying to channel 1990’s Kate Moss, so very dusty bronzed skin with nothing much on the eyes or lips. I put to use one of my favourite summertime products, Chanel’s Tan de Soleil, which is a cream bronzing base, and layered it up with some Guerlain Four Seasons bronzer in shade 2 (here). Go on over and check out the vid – if you need an incentive, then look at my “before” picture:
I know that I had a bit of a gormless expression before I started but still – what a difference! Definitely a good look to bust out if you have a bit of a hangover – it’s amazing what a bit of fake sun exposure can do for jaded, vampire-esque skin.
Telegraph Easy Beachy Makeup Video