ruth crilly and dexter the cockapoo

A Dog, a Cat and a Brand New Bag

ruth crilly and dexter the cockapoo

A brand new vlog to start a brand new year and there’s a brand new bag thrown in for good measure. Not literally “thrown” because it’s a lovely bag and deserves a bit of respect (also the chain on it weighs a tonne and would probably make a dent in the floor as it landed) but you know what I mean.

ruth crilly and dexter the cockapoo

If you’d like to see the new bag (Mr AMR chose well!) along with a cat, a dog, a child and an impromptu bit of piano practice then click on the play button. I’m trying to get back into my piano playing; I was really quite good when I was little (I did Grade 6 piano and Grade 8 clarinet) but haven’t done any proper, regimented sort of practice for about twenty years now. More. Good grief, that makes me feel decrepit.

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  1. Gosh! Me too! I’m 39 travel around Australia for work and haven’t touched the piano or clarinet for over 20 years I’m really depressed about it actually “adult life necessity takes over completely “ …. clarinet playing after having braces tightened!! Oh the pain! Now I can’t get a sound from a number 2 reed!!!!! When I hear a beautiful piece of music I used to head straight for the piano to attempt my own version… and now I just forlornly and stare at the keyboard when I’m home maybe twice a year. I’m going to prepare for AMusA AMEB ( Australian exams board) It’s on the bucket list

  2. I didn’t get much of a Christmas holiday – just two extra days off work – and can confirm that is very rubbish indeed. I would kill for two weeks off over Xmas but working in news it is very hard to get! You basically have all the Xmas business but with work as well. I even worked on Xmas Day! I am beyond tired. So I’ve booked a holiday in Goa in February….

  3. My first video, new to your website/vlog – loved the informality, will watch some more. Also loved your nail colour – can you tell us what that is?

  4. Mr AMR was spot on. Just this once though . Lovely vid, can’t go wrong with a sprinkling of pets n kids either!

  5. He was correct about this one at this time. We all are recovering from the stresses and busy-ness after the holidays and this chitchat was perfect. Glad you are practicing piano again and have great music to work on. Mr. AMR does a good job with gift selection. Happy New Year to you and your little family. How Angelica has grown!

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