Where do all the Hairbands Go?
Where do all my hairbands go? I have no idea! They’re like pens – I must buy about 40 Bic Medium Biros every year and can I ever find one? No. I end up writing shopping lists with lipliners and signing cheques with my own blood. (Last bit was a joke, obviously. Though it would be brilliantly dramatic, especially if you performed the cheque-signing in the tax office or something. “You’re bleeding me dry, you b*stards!”)
Back to hairbands – these little beauties (above) caught my eye. Made by OohLaLara, an online jewellery store (look at this cute star necklace and the ballerina pendant!) they are snag-free and come in pretty colours. And you know how I’m into my rustic-look packaging at the moment? Well this is a triumph. Brown card that looks great against the colours of the fabric bands. The shade combinations are very well thought out, too – a selection of nudes, some brights, a range of different greys… I wouldn’t usually go mad for a set of hairbands, but I like these a lot. They are £6.50 per set from OohLaLara.com